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frequently asked questions

How long will it take?

We work with your timeline, so if you have a launch, event, or election, let us know and we'll figure out the best solution for you.

Are SLMK sites SEO-friendly?

Of course! SEO is a vital component in reaching customers, we wouldn't build a site without it.

We also provide SEO services to existing sites.

Do you do social media?

While we currently are not taking on any new social media management clients, we do work with brands on marketing campaigns & graphics that utilize social media!

do you work with my current hosting platform?

Yes, if that is important for you and your team, we will work with your current platform, but we will discuss and make a suggestion based on scope of the project.

help! i need help with a ________ for my company, can you assist?

From Christmas Cards to Digital Ad's, we have you covered.
